Category Archives: Causes

Hypertension Causes – The 4 Main Causes of Hypertension

More than 40 percent of African Americans have high blood pressure, hypertension causes according to a new study published by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC).

There are many theories about why black Americans have hypertension causes higher rates of hypertension than other groups diseases. A major study suggests a link between high levels of uric acid and hypertension in blacks as a possible explanation . Researchers and health professionals already know that excessive levels of uric acid are a major cause of kidney disease. African Americans also have high levels of kidney disease hypertension causes.

Other theories are a failure in the systems of the body to eliminate excess salt in the urine and the presence of high levels hypertension causes of the hormone oldster . Let’s briefly discuss each.

Do high levels of uric acid cause hypertension ?
The results of the study, published in the journal Hypertension of the American Heart Association in 2006 , hypertension causes found a strong link between high uric acid levels and high blood pressure ( hypertension ) in African U.S. than in the other groups. The uric acid in the body is influenced by diet . For example, eating large amounts of protein can increase uric acid levels .

Normally , uric acid is excreted in the urine. However, when the body produces excessive amounts of uric acid and the kidneys fail hypertension causes to remove enough of it , so it can accumulate in the blood.

None of the participants in the 9104 study hypertension causes by the University Medical Center Wake Forest Baptist , had hypertension when the study began . The participants represented various races and ethnic and age groups of 45-64 years . It was the first time that African Americans were included in these studies the numbers were statistically significant. The blood pressure of all participants and uric acid levels were hypertension causes examined every three years.

Participants whose uric acid levels in the highest hypertension causes quartile had an increased risk of hypertension by about 15 percent. It was found that the strongest link between uric acid and hypertension in black men. The results were particularly telling interracial . African-American women , results in the highest quartile had a risk 30 percent higher for hypertension than African-American women in the lowest quartile hypertension causes. African-American men in the top quartile have twice the risk of African-American men in the lower percentile.

The implications of this study suggest that if hypertension causes doctors can reduce uric acid levels in patients , which may be able to prevent or control hypertension in blacks and other groups with higher than normal. A blood test for uric acid levels can predict whether a person was in danger.

Is that too much salt in the urine causes hypertension ?
In a healthy body , relieves stress by releasing sodium in the blood hypertension causes. The salt is then later removed from the body through urine. However, in a recent study, researchers found that the integrated security system deteriorates in about a third of young African Americans. The result is that excessive levels of salt remain in the body , which puts them at risk for high blood pressure now as they grow hypertension causes.

The study of 168 young people in black hypertension causes and white by researchers at the Medical College of Georgia found significant differences between the operation of the control system of the blood pressure of a person in the two groups. The system , known as the Reunion -antidotes- oldster system (RAS ) , hypertension causes works by instructing the kidneys to retain salt when blood pressure is too low and are excreted in the urine when it is too high.

Researchers are conducting studies to determine hypertension causes if a genetic mutation may interfere with the proper discharge of salts from the kidneys in African Americans.

Because too much oldster is ?
Another possible cause may be oldster , according to a study at the Medical College of Wisconsin. Oldster is a hormone secreted by the adrenal hormone that causes the kidneys to retain salt .

Hypertension Causes – The 4 Main Causes of Hypertension

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High Blood Pressure Causes – The Top 3 Causes of High Blood Pressure

The American Heart Association high blood pressure causes estimates that about 77.9 million Americans have high blood pressure, also known as hypertension. It is 1-3 people. So what are the causes of high blood pressure and what can be done about it high systolic blood pressure causes?

Family History high systolic blood pressure causes:

While your genes are inevitable, not quite decide their fate high blood pressure causes . A recent study followed 6,000 healthy adults for nearly five years , about a third of them had a parent with high blood pressure. The researchers found that people with a family history were 20% more likely to develop .

But even if you have a family history, high blood pressure causes do not lose hope yet. The researchers also found that genetic predisposition may be replaced by a healthy diet and active lifestyle. Those who consumed a diet low in salt and walked briskly for at least 150 minutes per week had high blood pressure causes  risk 34%.

Lack of exercise high diastolic blood pressure causes:

Everyone knows what they need to exercise, high blood pressure causes but in our busy lives , it is easy to fall into oblivion. Only about 15 % of Americans say they participate in strenuous activity for the recommended time high diastolic blood pressure causes. It is generally recommended to participate in at least half an hour of pretty intense physical high blood pressure causes activity most days of the week.

high blood pressure causes all days:

Exercise increases the heart rate, which actually high blood pressure causes makes the veins and arteries. While the blood vessels high diastolic blood pressure causes are not stretched beyond its healthy limits , expanding regularly helps maintain healthy basis. If a regular gym trip is not possible, find an activity that fits into your day and watch your salt high blood pressure causes  intake.

Diet high in sodium high blood pressure causes:

We are all guilty of this. You run around your busy day and hungry. You take a bag of chips or hit the drive-through . Salt-laden snacks and food are always on hand. However, high diastolic blood pressure causes eating a diet high in salt can really damage blood vessels over time, and increases the risk of hypertension . According to the Institute of Medicine, high blood pressure causes a diet high in salt is supposed to be responsible for up to 40% of all cases of hypertension in the United States .

So what can I do about it high diastolic blood pressure causes?

All these factors , diet can be easier to control . You can not change your genes and your schedule is thank you to high blood pressure causes the other when it comes to finding time to exercise . However, you can choose to eat a diet low in sodium. For example, if you have to eat , do not eat salty chips. Buy low-salt or high diastolic blood pressure causes salt-free snacks . When cooking with the use of low -sodium ingredients at home. There are delicious salt-free seasonings available and even good substitutes for salt when high blood pressure causes  another species is simply not enough.

high systolic blood pressure causes:

Whatever your situation, high blood pressure causes  you can take steps to control the causes of high blood pressure and minimize health risks . The first thing your doctor will tell you, is to do more exercise and improve your diet . Exercise and eat a healthy high diastolic blood pressure causes diet low in sodium and low can help keep your blood pressure under control.

High Blood Pressure Causes – The Top 3 Causes of High Blood Pressure

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